WED, JUNE 28, 2023 • S1 E9 • 1 HR 43 MIN 44 SEC
Meet Marigol as she talks about Parenting outside the box and building a more meaningful life
Marigol shares her rather different lifestyle when she was young and how this lead her to live in her car while traveling across country. She shares her pregnancy , when that sent her home to create a new life full of family, and bonding with her children in an amazing intuitive way.
My name is Marigol Era, and I'm a multi-facets being. I'm a Creative Force, a Healing Guide, an Eternal Learner, a Shadow Worker and an Unschooling Mother. What else? I am a Freedom Fighter and a Nature Lover. I'm a little bit Anarchist around the edges. Is that all? No, I'm an Artist, a Writer, and a Communicator. I'm also an Ayurvedic Wellness Coach and a Spiritual Life Coach. And mostly, I'm in constant evolution.
I strongly believe that we are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience. I sense we are here to evolve and that every experience we encounter is an opportunity to grow! That is why I specialize in helping people bring more awareness into their lives. In my point of view, existing here on Earth means being able to keep in touch with our Spiritual-Self in the day-to-day mundane stuff. So I'm here to help people transform their experiences (small and/or big) into learning so that they're growing up instead of growing old.
There's a shift happening on Earth, and I'm part of Creating this Revolution, one experience at a time.
You can find Vickie at:
Todays Dream Tomorrows Reality
WED, JUNE 28, 2023
1 HR 43 MIN 44 SEC