THU, JULY 27, 2023 • S1 E49 • 1 HR 4 MIN 24 SEC

"From New Age Success to Christian Calling W/ Lorna Vaughn: Empowering Business with God's Principles"

In this episode of "Today's Dream, Tomorrow's Reality," we are honored to host the remarkable Lorna Vaughn, a highly successful new age businesswoman who underwent a profound transformation when she embraced Christianity. With a massive following in the new age community, Lorna had achieved extraordinary success, but a spiritual awakening led her to a life-altering decision.

Join us as Lorna shares her incredible journey of self-discovery and faith. After her conversion, she made the courageous choice to leave behind her thriving new age business and devoted days to deleting all her previous content. She felt that her previous messages no longer resonated with her newfound Christian beliefs, and she knew that she had to realign her life with her faith.

Now, Lorna has emerged as a beacon of hope for aspiring entrepreneurs who seek to build their businesses on strong spiritual foundations. Combining her extensive business acumen with the profound wisdom of God's principles, Lorna coaches clients to reach their fullest potential through faith, prayer, and ethical practices.

In this inspiring conversation, Lorna will share the challenges and rewards of transitioning from the new age movement to embracing Christianity, and how it has positively impacted her life and the lives of countless others. Join us as we delve into the power of faith-driven entrepreneurship and discover the key principles that Lorna utilizes to guide her clients towards both material success and spiritual fulfillment.

Don't miss this enlightening episode as Lorna Vaughn opens up about her unique path and the profound impact of integrating faith into the world of business. Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and enlightened by this truly extraordinary guest!

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Todays Dream Tomorrows Reality


THU, JULY 27, 2023


1 HR 4 MIN 24 SEC


